Sizzling Summer Pickleball Tournament

  • People playing Pickleball
    People playing Pickleball

The Southeast Texas Pickleballers will host the second annual Sizzlin Summer Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, Aug. 20, at the Beaumont Municipal Tennis Center, 6455 College St.

This is a mixed doubles round-robin tournament. Play will begin at 8 a.m. and games will be played indoors and outdoors. They will play rounds of one game to 15.

There will be two divisions – Medium Well (Teams ranging from beginner to beginner-intermediate 2.0-3.4) and Well Done (Teams of 3.5 and above).  To sign up, comment at the event’s Facebook page.

Cost is $20 per player and payment can be made via Venmo at Kelly-Herr-5 or pay the day of tournament.

Deadline to enter is Thursday, Aug. 18.